I have organised all the posts on my blog in categories, so that it is easier to browse around and will save you time as well.
Would you like to go on a quick tour of my blog?
In the left sidebar are a list of links:
-”about” me: if you want to know a bit more about my life and interests.
-”lizet's artwork” is a link to all the posts where you can learn a bit more about my work and see heaps of pictures.
-”featured artists” takes you to the links to all the posts where I have featured other artists, so have a look at their work as well.
-”felt tutorials” is for those of you who like to learn more about the felt making techniques.
-”I was featured on...” a few other blogs, follow the links to read the posts.
You can comment under every post and I'd love to hear from you and get some feedback. I often go visit blogs of people who leave a comment.
Under every post there is also a SHARE button. Feel free to share my posts on your favorite social networking site, such as facebook, twitter, stumble upon....
Widgets in the left sidebar:
-My etsy shop, where you can purchase my work.
-Through the google friend connect widget, you can follow my blog through different networks.
I will add on to this whenever new information will be added.