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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Dyeing wool

Recently, I started dyeing some of the local wool that I have been collecting for a few years. I usually work with merino wool in slivers. This wool is a cross breed of merino and something else, but I forgot which one.

I am so happy with the colours and realised that this wool takes up the dyes so much easier than merino. This encourages me to try more different breeds.
The pinks are from brazilwood, the purple to the left is brazilwood and modified in rust water. The greens are cosmos plants without the flowers and modified with rust water. Now, for the grey one, it is a tanning based plant modified with rust water, but I don't remember whether it is mangosteen skins or casuarina. This wool is a bit course for clothing, but will be used for bags or wall hangings, or maybe for a pair of slippers for me.

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